President of Turkmenistan: visit to the UK has become a significant step towards strengthening the Turkmen-British partnership

17:32 08.05.2023 3080

 On May 6, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as part of his working visit to the UK, took part in the coronation ceremony of the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Charles III, and his wife, the Queen Consort Kamila.

 The coronation ceremony took place at Westminster Abbey.

 At the end of the solemn ceremony, the head of Turkmenistan proceeded to the Birmingham International Airport, from where he left for his homeland.  Officials met the President at the capital's airport.

 As the representative of the British Embassy in our country noted, the participation of the President of Turkmenistan in such an important event is intended to open a new chapter in the history of interstate relations developing on a bilateral and multilateral basis.

 Emphasizing the desire of Turkmenistan to build up a constructive dialogue with interested countries of the world, Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the current visit was a significant step towards strengthening the Turkmen-British partnership.

 The great interest of the British side in strengthening interstate dialogue is evidenced by the visits of high-ranking officials to Turkmenistan in recent years, in particular, Senior Minister of State at the British Foreign Office Tobias Elwood, Envoy of the Prime Minister for Trade, Member of Parliament Charles Hendry, Special Envoy of the British Prime Minister for  trade in Turkmenistan by Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne, co-chairman of the Turkmen-British Council of Commerce and Industry Ronald Nash and others.

 Today, Turkmenistan and Great Britain have common interests in politics and economy.  Among the priority vectors of cooperation, London and Ashgabat identified the fuel and energy sector, trade and banking, construction, the chemical industry, textile and light industry, the development of transport and communication infrastructure, the introduction of new technologies, tourism, sports, culture, science, education, healthcare.

 During the regular meetings of the Turkmen-British Trade and Industry Council, the interest of representatives of the British business community in the further development of trade and economic cooperation and the establishment of close business contacts with Turkmenistan was repeatedly confirmed.

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