The President of Turkmenistan discussed with the head of Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. opportunities for new projects

17:42 30.05.2023 2318

 Priority issues of cooperation were discussed on Monday at a meeting of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov with the founder and chairman of the board of Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.  (Republic of Korea) Jong Won-ju, TDH reports.

 The Korean businessman confirmed the interest of the company he heads in building up a mutually beneficial partnership with Turkmenistan, which follows the path of progressive transformations and has achieved impressive success in socio-economic development.

 Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the further strengthening of friendly relations with the Republic of Korea, noting the ongoing dynamics of bilateral cooperation across its entire spectrum.

 During the meeting, confidence was expressed that the current visit of the head of the Korean company will provide a good opportunity to exchange views with Turkmen colleagues on promising areas of partnership.  In this context, it was noted that the leading companies of the Republic of Korea are successfully operating in the Turkmen market, participating in the implementation of large projects, including in the gas and chemical industries.

 At the same time, the existence of a solid potential for further cooperation was emphasized, which is due to the large-scale economic reforms being implemented in Turkmenistan, comprehensive programs in the industrial sector, and conditions created for the intensification of business contacts.

One of the topical vectors of partnership was the chemical industry, the national development strategy of which is focused on the optimal use of local raw materials, the production of high-quality products that are in demand on the domestic and foreign markets.  Particular attention is paid to the effective use of innovative equipment and strict compliance with environmental standards.  In this aspect, Turkmenistan is interested in introducing the latest achievements of science and technology.

 New prospects are also opening up for intensifying investment activity.  As an example of successful cooperation, the contacts established between the State Concern “Turkmenchemistry” and the company “Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd”.

 During the meeting, it was noted that Turkmenistan is ready to consider the proposals of Korean partners on the implementation of projects for the development of the chemical industry, in particular, those related to the design and construction of facilities for the production of phosphorus, ammonia and urea.

 As it was emphasized, taking into account the extensive fundamental changes, our country is interested in advanced Korean experience in the construction and management of smart cities, the use of high technologies, as well as achievements in the field of renewable energy sources.

 In addition, Turkmenistan is ready to discuss new areas of cooperation in the oil and gas industry.

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