800 delegates from 20 countries of the world will take part in the scientific forum on environmental aspects of the development of the fuel and energy complex

19:08 13.06.2023 4815


 The International Scientific and Practical Conference: «Energy Prospects, New Technologies for the Development of Hydrocarbon Deposits» in the Year «The Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdarly» will be held at the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University on June 15.

 The conference is organized by the State Concerns "Turkmengas", "Turkmennebit", the State Corporation "Turkmengeology" in partnership with the ES "Turkmen Forum" and the British company Gaffney Cline.

 According to the organizers of the event, 800 delegates from 20 countries have registered to participate in the conference.

 On the eve of the opening of the scientific forum, on June 14, pre-conference events will be held at the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University, within which panel discussions will be held.  They will be attended by teachers and students of this university, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, scientific institutions and international organizations.  Topics for discussion will be such issues as affordable and clean energy – the youth outlook, society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Perspectives and opportunities for specialists of oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan.

 High-ranking officials of the Government of Turkmenistan, heads of national and international oil and gas companies, representatives of international organizations and research centers, and the academic community will take part in the conference, dedicated to the topic of reducing emissions in the fuel and energy sector and the energy transition.

 The conference is intended to be a platform for discussion of such key issues as new technologies and environmental aspects of field development, reduction of methane and CO2 emissions from hydrocarbon production and their monetization, environmental financing and clean energy initiatives.

In addition to the environmental aspect of the fuel and energy complex, the conference participants will discuss advanced technologies and know-how in the field of optimizing hydrocarbon production.

 The meetings and panel discussions of the conference will be attended by representatives of the UN, OSCE, Asian Development Bank, diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, companies such as Climate Compass, LLC, Tetra Tech Inc, GHGSat Inc, Carbon Limits AS, Dragon Oil, MIP LLC “NES Profexpert”, Chevron, Baker Hughes, PETRONAS Carigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd, Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited, International Methane Observatory and many others.

 The conference will be held both in traditional and online formats, including the organization of meetings with the leadership of the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan.

 An exhibition of achievements of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International University of Oil and Gas and the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan will also be organized.  A cultural show will be organized for all conference guests, including traditional folk dances and singing.

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