The tender of "Turkmengaz" will determine the contractor for the construction of the CS for the East-West gas pipeline

19:14 21.06.2023 6827

 The State Concern “Turkmengas”, following the results of an international tender, will determine a company that will carry out the construction, supply of equipment and commissioning of the KS-1 Shatlyk compressor station for the East-West gas pipeline.  The corresponding announcement was published on Tuesday, June 20, in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.

 Interested companies are invited to submit a written application to the State Concern "Turkmengas" about their desire to participate in the pre-qualification selection, indicating the full name of the participant, its legal status, country of registration, bank details and information about the company's activities, in particular, its main activities, experience in similar  projects, etc.

 It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with the Law of Turkmenistan “On tenders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state needs”.

 At the same time, it is noted that applications from companies registered or having bank accounts in offshore zones are not accepted.

 Qualification documents are accepted within 30 working days from the date of the official publication of the announcement in the newspaper.

 It should be noted that the East-West pipeline, laid from the eastern part of Turkmenistan to the western region of the country, and designed to transport up to 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year, was put into operation in December 2015.

 At present, this gas pipeline provides "blue fuel" to a number of new industrial facilities that have already been built, and will also be built in the future in Turkmenistan.  In addition, the pipeline creates opportunities for export deliveries of Turkmen natural gas to Europe.

 The construction of the East-West pipeline was carried out from the gas compressor station "Shatlyk" in the Mary region to the gas compressor station "Belek" in the Balkan velayat by the State Concerns "Turkmengas" and "Turkmennebitgazgurlushyk".  The pipeline, which has become the longest on the territory of our country, connected all gas pipelines into a single ring, creating additional guarantees for the uninterrupted supply of resources for all needs for "blue" fuel.

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