The President of Turkmenistan outlined the directions of interaction with the SCO member countries

21:54 05.07.2023 5234

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking on Tuesday online at a meeting of the Council of Heads of SCO Member States as an honored guest, proposed to pay attention to a number of specific areas of work. 

Among the first was the establishment of political and diplomatic cooperation in the field of cyber and biosafety.

 Berdimuhamedov determined the formation of a mechanism for logistics activities aimed at creating new and increasing the efficiency of existing intercontinental and regional transport and transit corridors as the second significant vector of joint activities. 

The third direction was the formation of conditions for systemic and long-term cooperation in the energy sector through the planning of joint projects to diversify energy supplies. In this regard, it was emphasized that we are talking about saturating the needs of the SCO states and the prospects for entering foreign markets.

Fourth, continued the head of Turkmenistan, the establishment of a platform for effective high-tech partnerships. The fifth vector was the coordination of joint work in the field of climate change, environmental protection and ecology. 

In this context, Serdar Berdimuhamedov suggested that all stakeholders consider participating in the implementation of the Turkmenistan initiative to establish a regional climate-related technology center. 

– Turkmenistan has great respect and interest in the SCO initiatives in the economic, investment, transport, energy and other areas, sees good opportunities for its participation in their implementation on a mutually beneficial and long-term basis, -  Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, noticed that the prospects of such work are no longer in doubt. 

– It is due to the presence in our countries of a powerful resource and production base, noticeable, especially in recent years, the development of transport logistics, communications and communications gained by the experience of partnership in bilateral and multilateral formats, a number of other factors, - the President emphasized Turkmenistan.

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