The next batch of powerful equipment entered the Nebitgazabatlaýyş trust

13:51 11.07.2023 4967

Last Saturday the trust “Nebitgazabatlayysh” of the state concern “Turkmennebit” in the center of the Balkan region received 9 units of powerful specialized lifting machines purchased in the People’s Republic of China. 

Specialists for the capital repair departments of the trust have adopted new XJ-450 and XJ-650 lifting units intended for large-scale work, expressing their deep gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. By the way, at the beginning of this year, the relevant structures of the concern have already acquired seven pieces of equipment of this capacity. 

The solemn ceremony, which took place early in the morning at the site of the management of the material and technical base and supply of the concern in the Balkanabat, was attended by the heads of enterprises of the western region of the country, oil workers, and representatives of public organizations. 

According to the previous contract, these versatile and powerful lifting installations delivered from the PRC provide ample opportunities for high-quality carrying out of various major overhaul work on wells with reduced productivity or completely discontinued production. With their help, complex blockages caused by temporary inaction or objects stuck in the well are reliably eliminated. Those who spoke at the ceremony of meeting new, powerful self-propelled lifting installations expressed their gratitude to Arkadagly Serdar for the constant support for the development of the oil and gas industry, which is the fundamental branch of the national economy. 

Then, according to the established good tradition, the representatives of the older generation – respected mothers sprinkle the new technique of snow-white flour received in the year of the “Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar” that came to the year. 

The elders, who worked in the oil and gas complex for decades, as well as the oil workers gathered at the celebration, got acquainted with the possibilities of new installations.

After the solemn ceremony, which took place in an atmosphere of high inspiration, the lifting equipment went to the hydrocarbon deposits of the concern. It is noteworthy that on the same day, students of the Balkanabat branch of the Yagshygeldy Kakaev International Oil and Gas University began another production practice. Future specialists had a wonderful opportunity to actually get acquainted with the features of new equipment and autonomous power plants, drilling pumps, anti-fountain control center installed on it, as well as with the conditions at the installation of a dwelling intended for 10 people. 

The labor collectives of the departments for the capital repair of wells of the trust “Nebitgazabatlayysh” of the state concern “Turkmennebit” expressed their sincere gratitude to the president - Arkadagly Serdar, wished the head the states of good health, success in all endeavors in the name of the well-being of the Turkmen people and the prosperity of our Homeland.

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