Turkmenistan raises questions about the statement on the “trilateral gas alliance” of Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

09:56 13.08.2023 5295


 The statement of the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the “trilateral gas alliance” of Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan raises a number of questions from the Turkmen side.  This was stated by the Deputy Chairman of the State Concern “Turkmengas” Myrad Archaev in a comment to the State News Agency of Turkmenistan, published on Saturday.

 As Myrad Archaev noted, on August 11, a number of mass media disseminated a statement by Dmitry Birichevsky, Director of the Department of Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, regarding the so-called “tripartite gas alliance” with the participation of Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.  According to it, Russia does not rule out “the possibility of expanding trilateral cooperation in the gas sector” and knows “that other states are also showing interest in it”.

– Mr. Birichevsky’s statement raises at least a few questions, Archaev said.  – What “expansion opportunities” are we talking about, what “other states” are showing interest in them, what, in principle, is behind the “trilateral cooperation” in the gas sector?

  • The streamlining of the wording used by the Russian diplomat does not give answers to them, - Archaev continued.  – And complete clarity is required here, since the interests of other states, including Turkmenistan, are affected.

 As the Deputy Chairman of “Turkmengas” recalled, “Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and China have been cooperating for a long time on the transportation of natural gas from Central Asia to China, with clearly agreed volumes, terms, economic and technical parameters”.

 He explained that “Currently, there are three branches of the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline through which gas is supplied from Turkmen fields in the east and southeast of the country.  All three lines, the production facilities that ensure their operation, were jointly built exclusively by the Turkmen and Chinese sides – respectively, the State Concern “Turkmengas” and the Chinese oil and gas company CNPC”.

  • And today the largest supplier of gas through this pipeline is Turkmenistan: out of the total agreed volume of deliveries, which is 55 billion cubic meters per year, 40 billion cubic meters are contracted by Turkmenistan, and the remaining volumes are provided by Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, - Archaev noted.

 He emphasized that “there are no sources of gas from other countries to fill the pipeline, and the existing scheme for distributing gas volumes supplied to China does not include plans to expand the number of participants in the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline project”.

 Archaev also noted that “Turkmenistan strictly adheres to its obligations to Chinese, Uzbek and Kazakh partners.  And legitimately counts on reciprocity”.

 “It is also obvious that any changes in the agreed and formalized volumes and schemes of gas supplies, using the existing infrastructure, require prior approval from all participants without exception,” Myrad Archaev continued, adding that no consultations were held with Turkmenistan on this matter.

 “Such an approach is incomprehensible and unacceptable for the Turkmen side, and is considered by our country as inconsistent with the norms of international law and practice in the gas sector,” Archaev said.

  • In this context, Turkmenistan is seriously concerned about the statements of official representatives, one way or another affecting the international obligations of our country, and which can sow ambiguity and speculation about their implementation by other participants, - the Deputy Chairman of “Turkmengas” said.
  • As a responsible state, Turkmenistan proceeds from the fact that international cooperation, including in such an important segment as energy supplies, should be based on open and clear criteria, mutual respect and consideration of interests, and strict observance of the agreements reached.  Fluctuations in the external economic situation cannot serve as a reason for changing these principles, - Myrad Archaev declared.
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