Hungary is ready for partnership with Turkmenistan in the field of energy

16:10 21.08.2023 1876

 Hungary highly appreciates the energy policy pursued by Turkmenistan, based on the principles of diversification and equal cooperation, and is ready to develop cooperation in this direction, TDH reports.

 This was announced in Budapest at the talks between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who paid a working visit to the Hungarian capital on Sunday.

 During the meeting, energy was named among the key, priority areas of bilateral partnership.  Here, Turkmenistan, which has the richest hydrocarbon reserves, is implementing a strategy for diversifying energy flows, advocating the development of mutually beneficial cooperation based on equal consideration of the interests of producers, consumers and transit countries.

 In this context, it was noted that the European vector has been and remains one of the priorities for our state, which is always ready for effective cooperation with foreign partners, both on a bilateral and multilateral basis.

 As emphasized, Hungary fully supports the peaceful foreign policy strategy of neutral Turkmenistan and its constructive initiatives to ensure global security, stability and sustainable development, put forward from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly and other international structures.

 It was noted that the Hungarian side also highly appreciates the energy policy pursued by our country, based on the principles of diversification and equal cooperation, and is interested in productive cooperation in this direction.

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