An industrial inflow of natural gas was obtained at the Galkynysh gas field

21:45 11.09.2023 2884

 A high-pressure industrial influx of natural gas was obtained by gas workers of the “Turkmengasburawlayysh” department of the State Concern “Turkmengas” at the next well of the Galkynysh field.

 This was the result of successfully carried out drilling and perforation-blasting operations of layers at a depth of 4496 to 4214 meters with a total length of 189 meters at production gas well No. 238 with a depth of 4 thousand 557 meters.

 According to experts, the well’s flow rate is 2 million 264 cubic meters of natural gas per day.  We are especially proud of the fact that these works are carried out by local specialists, including with the participation of young promising gas workers.  Another success of the gas workers of the “Turkmengasburawlayysh” management will be a worthy present for the concern on the 32nd anniversary of the independence of our fatherland.

 Today, as a result of the far-sighted energy policy of the National Leader of the Turkmen people – Hero-Arkadag, respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, during the Renaissance of a new era of a powerful state, the domestic oil and gas industry is rapidly developing and transforming.  Our country, which occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of natural gas reserves, is implementing important projects to diversify natural gas supplies to foreign markets. The Galkynysh gas field, widely known in the world for its volumes of natural gas, today serves as the most reliable source of “blue fuel” in the country.

 Currently, the reserves of the Galkynysh and Yashlar gas fields together amount to 26.2 trillion cubic meters, and taking into account the hydrocarbon resources of the recently discovered underground storage facility “Garakyol”, a total of 27.4 trillion cubic meters are estimated. This creates ample opportunities for  active integration of the Turkmen state into the international energy system and strengthening its positions.The fact that the productivity of each of the gas wells put into operation at this field is about 2 million cubic meters of gas per day indicates the huge natural gas reserves of the Galkynysh field.

In the successful conduct of drilling operations, timely completion of construction and commissioning of new wells, a particularly important role is given to advanced technology purchased by the state, powerful technological equipment, the presence of which determines the quality of the work performed and long-term operation of wells.

 As a result of the regular support provided by the head of state during the drilling and construction of this gas well, seat and tubing pipes, Christmas tree fittings, and column heads of the leading Japanese company Sumitomo were widely used, which correspond to the geological and technological characteristics of the Galkynysh gas field, the production indicators of which  attracts the attention of leading international manufacturers.  Likewise, Turkmen gas is of interest to both consumer countries and large foreign investors.

  • The successful completion of drilling operations at production well No. 238 is the result of the joint round-the-clock work of our drillers.  Drilling masters Soyunmyrat Soyunkhanov, Arslan Yumukov, drillers Kishman Khanov, Rejepmuhammet Hojakulyev, Berdimyrat Essebekov, Atajan Ovezdurdyev especially distinguished themselves in their collective work, - says the head of the drilling crew, Parakhat Narbaev.
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