The 32nd anniversary of state independence was widely celebrated in Turkmenistan

13:39 28.09.2023 5161

 In Turkmenistan, on September 27, the 32nd anniversary of state independence was celebrated in a solemn atmosphere.  In Ashgabat, a festive military parade and demonstration of workers took place in front of the State Tribune complex.

 Before this early morning, a flower-laying ceremony took place at the Monument of Independence of Turkmenistan, which was attended by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, leaders and representatives of the government, parliament, public organizations, political parties, elders, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Ashgabat and foreign guests of the holiday.

 During the military parade, the modern military equipment in service of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan was demonstrated, including armored personnel carriers, tanks, missile systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles.  The most spectacular moment of the military parade was the air show.  Aerobatics were demonstrated by pilots of combat helicopters and aircraft of the Air Force of Turkmenistan.

 Simultaneously with the celebrations in Ashgabat, a naval parade took place in the Turkmen waters of the Caspian Sea, during which modern warships were demonstrated.

 As part of the festive parade, President Serdar Berdimuhamed was presented by his comrades with the thoroughbred Akhal-Teke horse Arkaly.

 An unforgettable part of the festive parade was traditionally the equestrian ceremony prepared by the State Association “Turkmen atlary” and the renowned group of national equestrian games “Galkynysh”, well known not only in the country but also abroad.

 Then the parade continued with a theatrical musical and literary performance with the participation of popular singers, theater artists and dance groups.

Members of the H Maslakhaty, deputies of the Mejlis, representatives of political parties and public organizations, and elders of the country also took part in the festive procession.  The spectacular performance continued with a “caravan” of moving auto platforms with colorful thematic decorations demonstrating the achievements and successes of various sectors of the country’s national economic complex.  Representatives of all sectors of the national economy walked along the main square – leaders of production, distinguished craftsmen and young specialists, who presented worthy labor gifts for the next anniversary of the independence of the Fatherland.

 Celebrations in honor of the 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan ended with a grandiose colorful fireworks display.

 On the eve of the holiday, ceremonies were held in the Turkmen capital to honor the best workers of enterprises, organizations and institutions of Turkmenistan in honor of the 32nd anniversary of the country’s independence.  In accordance with the decrees of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in honor of Turkmenistan’s Independence Day, a group of citizens of the country were awarded orders, medals, and honorary titles for special services to the state and society.

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