Participants of the Halk Maslahaty Speak

16:37 30.09.2023 2054

Chief specialist of the Geophysics Department of the Türkmengeologiýa State Concern:

“I perceive my participation in the work of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan as a great trust and honor. The very fact of holding the nationwide forum is evidence of the democratization of the Turkmen state and society and its enormous achievements along the path of independent development.

“The forum delegates were very enthusiastic about the indicators of the country’s economic growth cited in the speech of the respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. It was noted that GDP growth since the beginning of this year has remained steadily at 6.2 percent.

“‘Stable economic development is the main goal of our long-term strategy. And we are successfully implementing programs and carrying out reforms that have covered all areas of our economy,’ the head of state emphasized.

“An example of this is the fuel and energy complex, a strategic sector of the national economy that consistently demonstrates high performance. Conducting geological exploration work is an important component of the development of the domestic fuel and energy complex. Significant investments are being made for these purposes. As a result of the transformations carried out in this direction, new hydrocarbon deposits are being developed, and oil and gas production volumes are increasing.  

“The tasks set by the respected President for the development of the sphere are indicative. These are strong ideas of new times, the solution of which largely conditions the further progress of the national economy.

“And the main message of the speeches of the respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is care for people. And this is the best evidence of the progress of our country, humanistic values and the ongoing policy of peace and concord.

“It is gratifying to realize that at the new stage of development of our state, much attention is paid to youth, the role of women and the preservation of the centuries-old traditions of our people – peacemakers and creators. As the Hero-Arkadag noted in his speech, ‘Our main goals are to preserve the basis of our development and to guide young people – the future of the country – along a bright path.’

“The employees of Türkmengeologiýa fully support the proposals, voiced at the nationwide forum, which are aimed at the further prosperity of the Motherland and the wellbeing of the people.

“We would like to join in the numerous congratulations and good wishes addressed these days to our respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who was presented with a high award – the title of Hero of Turkmenistan.

“On behalf of all my colleagues, I wish the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov strong health for many years to come and every success in their large-scale noble activity.”

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