The presidents of Turkmenistan and Turkey discussed prospects for cooperation in the fuel and energy sector, transport and other areas

12:50 27.10.2023 3663

 On Thursday, negotiations took place in Ankara between the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, TDH reports.

 During meetings in a narrow format and in an expanded format with the participation of members of delegations, the heads of fraternal states discussed issues of developing partnerships in various fields.  In particular, the parties exchanged views on issues of expanding interaction in the political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

 The heads of state paid special attention to the development of bilateral cooperation in the energy sector, transport, as well as in the field of investment and high technology.

 President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, noting that our countries are carrying out mutually beneficial and equal trade and economic cooperation, confirmed the readiness of the Turkmen side for its further development, in particular in such promising areas as energy, transport, investment, high technology and other areas, as well as  to launch new forms of partnership and increase mutual trade turnover.

 Stressing that Turkmenistan intends to expand cooperation with Turkey in various sectors of the economy, Serdar Berdimuhamedov spoke about the advisability of building up mutually beneficial equal partnership in investments, the gas chemical industry, the agro-industrial complex, in the field of environmental protection, new generation technologies, tourism, business, and other relevant areas  .

 At the end of the negotiations, a package of documents was signed aimed at further development of bilateral relations in various fields.

 During the subsequent press conference, the heads of the two states highly appreciated the negotiations.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized, constructive negotiations at the highest level took place in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding.  Issues of bilateral cooperation affecting various areas were discussed.  There was also an exchange of views on current regional and international topics of mutual interest.  The readiness to further expand and strengthen the strategic Turkmen-Turkish partnership, based on the principles of mutual respect and equality, was confirmed.

 In addition, issues of transporting Turkmen natural gas and electricity to Turkey through the Caspian Sea were discussed.

 As Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, the important role of deepening close cooperation in the field of transport and transit in increasing trade between the two countries was confirmed.  In this regard, it was emphasized that the activation of existing transport corridors, in particular the Trans-Caspian and along the Caspian Sea – Black Sea route, as well as the creation of new directions are of mutual benefit.  An agreement was reached on the implementation of the necessary measures to ensure constructive and efficient interaction in the field of transport.

 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan noted during a press conference that Turkmenistan is among the leading countries in the region and the world in terms of energy reserves, and in the current environment, supplies of Turkmen natural gas to Turkey and to world markets through Turkey have acquired special strategic importance.  In this context, both bilateral cooperation with Turkmenistan and processes of trilateral cooperation with the participation of Azerbaijan are important, writes the press service of the Turkish leader.

 Recep Erdogan also noted that this visit is of particular importance, since this is the first visit of Serdar Berdimuhamedov to Turkey as the President of Turkmenistan. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, taking this opportunity, invited President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to pay an official visit to our country at any time convenient for him.  The timing of the visit will be agreed upon through diplomatic channels.

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