The next issue of the magazine "Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan" has been published

16:50 23.10.2020 4231

The third issue of the magazine "Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan", covering the main events and trends in the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan, was published in 2020.

The periodical opens with an article about the most important milestones achieved in our country during the years of independence. Readers are also presented with material about seismic studies carried out in the territory of Turkmenistan.

The pages of the new issue of the journal also highlight other topical issues of the industry development, analyze the results of the introduction of digital technologies into the oil and gas industry.

This issue also publishes articles by employees of the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern "Turkmengas", professors and teachers of the International University of Oil and Gas.

The relevance of articles published in the journal "Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan" undoubtedly makes them in demand not only among specialists, but also among numerous readers in our country.

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