Happiness found in science

18:43 12.06.2024 733


On the occasion of Science Day, annually celebrated in Turkmenistan, a scientific and practical conference organized by the institute and the Balkanabat Petroleum Secondary Vocational School of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" was held within the walls of the Institute "Nebitgazylmytaslama" of the State Concern "Turkmennebit".  

Opening the forum, Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Oraz Orazov expressed sincere gratitude to the distinguished President for his care and attention to the development of science, and also wished the scientific staff of the prestigious scientific institution, employees of production structures, teachers and students of educational institutions in the oil and gas industry great success in further activities for the benefit of the prosperity of our fatherland. 

Scientific and practical forum, which continued its work in the sections “Geology. Drilling. Development and operation of hydrocarbon fields. Ecology" and "Digital Technologies. Economy. Natural Sciences. Energy. Machinery and Equipment” became a kind of discussion platform where scientists of the institute and experienced industry specialists, together with teachers and students of the Balkanabat branch of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev and the Balkanabat Petroleum Secondary Vocational School of the Turkmennebit State Corporation, discussed the prospects for the development of the domestic fuel and energy complex.  

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