Turkmenistan-UAE business forum will take place tomorrow

15:10 25.06.2024 955


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the government meeting on Friday ordered to ensure a high organizational level of the business forum “Turkmenistan – United Arab Emirates”, which will be held on June 25 in Ashgabat. The business forum "Turkmenistan - United Arab Emirates" will be a significant event aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two countries in various spheres of the economy. 

The forum will be attended by companies specializing in energy, digital technologies, trade, agriculture, food industry, construction and tourism. The business forum "Turkmenistan - United Arab Emirates" will become an important platform for establishing mutually beneficial cooperation between the business circles of the two countries. 

The meeting will discuss the development of interstate cooperation in the trade, economic, investment, industrial sectors, as well as in the field of renewable energy sources. Cooperation in the oil and gas sector is one of the most important areas of partnership between Turkmenistan and the UAE. This cooperation is mutually beneficial and contributes to the economic development of both countries. It is expected to play an even more important role in the future.

Along with this, it is planned to organize meetings between entrepreneurs of the two countries in order to exchange experience and increase productive relations.

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