Registration for the 29th International Conference and Exhibition OGT-2024 has begun

18:25 17.07.2024 1468

Registration is open for the 29th International Conference and Exhibition “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan – 2024” (OGT 2024), which will be held in Ashgabat on October 23-25, 2024. The event is organized by the State Concerns “Turkmengas” and “Turkmennebit” and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.

As noted in the press release of the organizers, the purpose of the conference is to strengthen the regional dialogue on the further sustainable development of the energy sector and expand opportunities for attracting foreign direct investment in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan.

On the sidelines of the forum, business meetings and events will be held that will increase the awareness of potential investors about new investment projects in the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, the next stages of development of the Galkynysh gas field, optimization of oil and gas production in mature fields, development of offshore blocks in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea  , renewable energy sources and environmental aspects in the development of hydrocarbon resources.

Thematic sessions are also planned as part of the business program. At the plenary session, new trends in the global energy market and prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation will be discussed.  There will also be presentations on commodities for the energy transition, highlighting key trends and investment opportunities.

Particular attention will be paid to the role of technological innovation and human capital in the energy transition, including the key role of natural gas as a low-carbon fuel.

Separate sessions will cover environmental aspects in the development of hydrocarbon fields, aimed at reducing methane and CO2 emissions, as well as accelerating the monetization of natural resources through new projects in the field of alternative energy sources.

Registration for in-person participation in the OGT-2024 forum is open until October 13, 2024.

The organizers will provide visa support to all registered delegates.

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