The head of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan spoke at the forum "Central Asia-Korea" for the development of the investment climate in the region

22:11 02.12.2020 5202

Turkmenistan stands for the development of the investment climate in the Central Asian region, welcomes the "New Northern Economic Policy". Vice Prime Minister, Head of the Turkmen Foreign Ministry Rashid Meredov said this at the 13th Central Asia-Korea Cooperation Forum held on Wednesday in the format of a video conference, the website of the Turkmen Foreign Ministry reported.

As the Vice Prime Minister noted, this position was announced by the President of Turkmenistan at the International Forum on Northern Economic Cooperation in October this year. “This important initiative of the Republic of Korea is in many respects consonant with the concept of the “Revival of the Great Silk Road”.

During the forum, a wide range of issues of cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and the Republic of Korea in the political and diplomatic line, as well as in the trade, economic and humanitarian fields were discussed. The parties noted the similarity of their positions on promoting international mechanisms aimed at maintaining peace, security and sustainable economic growth at the regional and global levels.

The ministers of foreign affairs of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, the Republic of Korea and the first deputy foreign minister of Kyrgyzstan also spoke at the forum.

Following the meeting, a Joint Statement of the 13th Central Asia-Korea Cooperation Forum and the Action Plan of the Forum Secretariat for 2021 were adopted.

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