Branch of China National Petroleum International Corporation announces tender: 20.04.2021-29.04.2021

21:47 20.04.2021 5251

        China National Petroleum Corporation «International Ltd.» Turkmenistan branch holds the pre-qualification selection to Tender №. №. CIT-20080-SR on tests, maintenance service and repair of chinks, installation and service of the underground throttle valve on «Bagtiyarlyk» Contract Territory.

        Given bidding process includes the following services:

Lot 1 Service and check for a mouth: Because of long extraction under trying conditions a high pressure, highly acid components of gas, it is high mineralized stratal waters, the corrosive and erosive phenomena in the case and consolidations of flat valves, throttle and bottom hole safety valves necessary for regular check and check of degree of corrosion outfall of the device, erosion, repair of defective components, regular maintenance service and servicing neck devices.

       Lot 2 Installation and adjustment of the throttle valve: Some gas wells are subject to an abnormal state: 1) Ice formation during the winter period because of too low temperature of the pipe line for outfall a choke. 2)Gas production in a hole it is slashed, originates effusion on a bottom hole, influencing a gas rated production in a hole. To establish an underground throttle for Optimization of an industrial condition gas well,for temperature rise on a mouth of a chink, reduction effuse, to provide normal manufacture of gas pipelines. Includes all expenses for designing and building, installation of underground throttles, adjustment and export.

        Any company who is interested in this tender could apply for tender participation with the following document in Russian & English:

1.     Application form for participation with bid number and name

2.     Company brief introduction including company full name, its legal status, the country of registration and requisites.

3.     Financial status and audit information in the past three years.

4.     Experience list on provision the similar purchase for the last 3 years.

5.     Brief information on presence of experts and engineers the experience is not less 5 years in sphere of service and repair of chinks

6.     Brief information on presence of technics and the equipment for performance of similar work

7.     Brief information on presence of tools in sphere of ultrasonic scanning and a thickness gage.

8.     Brief information on Base presence not far from Contractual territory of "Bagtyjarlyk"

9.     For local Company it is necessary to provide copy certificate of registration in Union of Entrepreneur and Industrialist of Turkmenistan.

    Deadline for submission of documents on participation during 10 days after publishing tender in mass media information.

Address: Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue No. 553/3, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

The contact person is: Ms. Narine Simonyan

Tel No.: +993-12-445434

Fax: +993-12-44 50 44


Delivery mode: by hand delivery or e-mail (limit size for sending documents to CNPCIT e-mail 10 MB).

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