President of Turkmenistan made online speech at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly

21:49 24.09.2021 4090

 President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his video message to the participants of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly called on states to overcome differences and unite in order to solve the most acute problems of the global level.

 The Turkmen leader noted that problems with the environment, energy, food, poverty and terrorism deserve special attention.

 In his address, Berdimuhamedov paid special attention to the need to use exclusively political and diplomatic methods for solving global challenges, in particular, in the Central Asian region.  He proposed to create a zone of peace, trust and cooperation «Central Asia – Caspian region».

 The country's leader invited the leadership of the UN member states to take part in the International Conference «Politics of Peace and Trust – the Basis of International Security, Stability and Development», which will be held in the capital of Turkmenistan in December this year.

 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called the situation in Afghanistan difficult, stressing that the Afghan people are tired of wars.  In this regard, the Turkmen leader said that «our country has been and remains deeply interested in the political stability and security of Afghanistan, the well-being and unity of the fraternal Afghan people.  We support the early normalization of the situation in Afghanistan and express the hope that the emerging state institutions will be able to effectively work for the good and in the interests of the entire Afghan people».

 The President noted that “Turkmenistan, as before, will provide Afghanistan with comprehensive economic support and humanitarian assistance.  We are firmly committed to completing already begun and implementing new infrastructure projects with Afghan participation in the energy, transport and communications sectors.  We see this as the most important condition for the restoration of the economy and social sphere of Afghanistan, its equal, mutually beneficial integration into world economic relations».

 The Turkmen leader called on the world community not to forget about the Aral Sea crisis.  Continuing the topic, he added that Ashgabat intends to seek the creation of a UN Special Program for the Aral Sea Basin.

 The President of Turkmenistan also focused on the importance of establishing a WHO methodological center for a deeper study of the coronavirus.  According to him, the world community should make more efforts in the fight against the pandemic.

 At the end of his speech, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated our country's firm commitment to cooperation with the UN, active participation and assistance in its political and diplomatic efforts in preserving and strengthening the existing architecture of global security, overcoming the consequences of the pandemic, in implementing plans and programs in the economic, social, environmental,  humanitarian, other spheres.

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