Fuel oil and gasoline ECO-93 worth more than 52 million US dollars sold at the stock exchange of Turkmenistan

18:44 07.02.2022 3138


 36 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan over the past week.

 Businessmen from the UAE and Switzerland purchased low-sulphur fuel oil produced at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries for foreign currency, and entrepreneurs from Afghanistan purchased ECO-93 gasoline produced at an enterprise within the structure of the State Concern «Turkmenchemistry».

 The total amount of transactions exceeded 52 million 60 thousand US dollars.

 For the local market, Turkmen entrepreneurs purchased high-density polyethylene and hand-woven carpets in the amount of more than 53 million 790 thousand manats.

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