Results of the work of fuel and energy enterprises in January were discussed

14:04 09.02.2022 9667

Reporting meeting was held in the Central building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan on Monday. There the results of the work of industry enterprises for January 2022, held under the motto «Epoch of people with Arkadag», were discussed.

 At the reporting meeting, important aspects of the implementation of the tasks set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, held on February 3 in the digital video format, were considered, at which the results of the work of the sectors of the national economy for the first month of this year, as well as topical issues of state life were summed up.

 The reporting meeting was chaired by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Abdrakhmanov, heads of departments and enterprises of the oil and gas complex made reports on the work performed in January.

 The speakers noted the importance of the tasks set by the leader of the nation for the oil and gas complex of the country, in particular, the need to further increase the volume of production and processing of oil and natural gas, the production of a variety of petrochemical products that are in demand on world markets, as well as expanding its range.

 In this context, an important task is to systematically strengthen the resource base of the oil and gas industry by identifying new promising fields and reservoirs, further diversifying the fuel and energy complex, intensifying work on introducing the latest scientific and technical developments, advanced technologies into the domestic oil and gas industry, which is designed to help increase hydrocarbon production, increase  output of finished products.

 At the end of the meeting, Vice-Chairman Minister Sh. Abdrakhmanov drew attention to the need to improve the production and economic performance of all sectors of the industry, wishing the participants new labor successes in the timely implementation of the tasks set by the President for the oil and gas industry of our country in the year that will be held under the motto «Epoch of people with Arkadag».

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