Effective work of Turkmen geophysicists contributes to the identification of promising oil and gas deposits

22:02 10.02.2022 10322


On January 13 this year, during a working trip to the Balkan region, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the Uzynada field and held a meeting on the further development of the oil and gas industry and the development of the richest resource potential of the country.

 During the trip, the President got acquainted with the results of geophysical research on the territory of the Balkan region, as well as the fulfillment of instructions previously given by the head of Turkmenistan on exploration and drilling on the coast of the Caspian Sea and prepared projects.  Having instructed to continue comprehensive measures to fulfill the tasks set, the leader of the nation stressed that all this is aimed at ensuring a steady increase in the production of the oil and gas complex, which plays a key role in the economic development of the country.

 The trip of the leader of the nation to the Balkan region at the beginning of 2022 inspired the industry workers to achieve new labor victories.

 The first exploration work on this promising site was carried out by the Balkan geophysical expedition of the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» in 2013.  To date, an abundant influx of hydrocarbon raw materials is being produced here.  According to the established plan, seismic surveys of 2D and 3D measurements, profile and gravimetric work are carried out, various research methods are also applied, and much more.

 Last year, the labor teams of the expedition carried out work using the 2D method for 1 thousand 22 linear kilometers, while 57 linear kilometers were completed in excess of the plan.  Using the 3D method, work was done on 465 sq. km, which is 10 sq. km more compared to the results of 2020.

 The seismic data obtained as a result of the study of reservoirs at a depth of 6-7 thousand meters contribute to the identification of promising oil and gas deposits.  All collected information is sent to the corporation's geological information center, where a thorough analysis and forecasting of data is carried out and a site map is prepared.

 In recent years, the introduction of innovative technologies into the industry has greatly facilitated the work of geophysicists.  The main objectives of the expedition, which conducts seismic prospecting work on the territory of the Balkan velayat, as well as on the coastal territory, is to study the geological structure of deep reservoirs, identify promising oil and gas areas, and accurately locate reservoirs with hydrocarbon raw materials.  Based on these data, proposals and recommendations are prepared.

 Until today, the red layers of the western region of our country have been almost completely studied.  Currently, work is underway to study the Miocene layers.  Expedition specialists are working in 2D on the territory of the Etrek etrap at the Rustemgala and Depin sites, on the territory of the Esenguly etrap at the Gukurguy site, work is being carried out in 3D, and gravimetric studies are ongoing at the Ekerem site.

 According to the forecasts of Turkmen scientists, the Miocene reservoirs are promising for hydrocarbon raw materials.  All these and other events carried out by the expedition's specialists make a significant contribution to achieving new milestones in the year passing under the motto «Epoch of people with Arkadag».

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