The Central Election Commission completed the registration of candidates for the post of President of Turkmenistan

17:00 24.02.2022 2827

 In Turkmenistan, the stage of nomination and registration of candidates for the post of the President of the country at the forthcoming presidential elections in March has been completed.  According to the law, candidates hold campaign meetings with voters.  This was reported on the website of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan.

 On Tuesday, the Central Election Commission registered two more candidates for the highest state post, nominated by initiative groups from the city of Ashgabat and the Dashoguz region.

 The Vice-Rector for Research of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Khydyr Nunnaev and Chairman of the Committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan of the Saparmurat District of Turkmenbashi of the Dashoguz region Maksat Odeshov received certificates of the presidential candidate, respectively.

 This completed the registration of candidates, the website of the Central Election Commission reported.

 Currently, the meetings of candidates registered for the elections with voters continue.

 On February 22, in Dashoguz, a meeting was held with voters of two candidates: from the Agrarian Party - the deputy head of the Mary region Agajan Bekmyradov, and from the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country - director of the «Wepaly Gurlushyk» Economic Society Babamurat Meredov.

 They presented their electoral programs to the assembled voters.  In particular, Bekmyradov singled out the topic of modernization of agriculture and its processing sector, efficient water and land use, ecology and the social sphere.  Meredov focused on the development of small and medium-sized businesses and increasing their role in the socio-economic growth of the country.

 Thus, nine candidates will compete for the votes of the electorate in the upcoming March 12 early presidential elections in Turkmenistan.  In particular, the Central Election Commission registered six candidates from the initiative groups of five regions of the country and the city of Ashgabat.  Three more candidates are registered from the Democratic Party, the Agrarian Party and the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

 Early elections of the President of Turkmenistan will be held on March 12.

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