The spring holiday Novruz was widely celebrated in Turkmenistan

20:33 23.03.2022 3978

 With bright celebrations, in an atmosphere of joy and with the kindest hopes and thoughts, the people of Turkmenistan met on March 21 – 22 the National Spring Holiday – the International Day of Novruz.

 As President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized in his festive address to compatriots: “This holiday, which has firmly entered the life of not only Turkmens, but also all eastern peoples, has become a celebration of peace, humanism, friendship and brotherhood.  Being a symbol of rebirth, flowering and renewal, Novruz unites peoples, uniting them and developing trusting relationships.  Good neighborliness, mutually beneficial ties, trust in each other are the basic principles of Novruz”.

 The main festive events in all velayats of the country were concentrated around the buildings erected specifically for the festive celebrations – «Türkmeniň ak öýi» (White Yurt of Turkmens).

 This holiday was marked by colorful folklore and ethnographic performances, traditional songs and dances, and the preparation of national dishes.  A group of national equestrian games “Galkynysh”, the winner of many international circus festivals, made a festive gift.

 On holidays, bakhshi songs, popular melodies were widely heard, famous musicians and pop singers, dance groups performed.

 The “Novruz Cuisine” was also presented in the gallery of the holiday, including abundant dastarkhans with dishes, fruits and national dishes prepared by the best chefs, masters of culinary art.

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