The Turkmenhimiya State Cocern announces an INTERNATIONAL TENDER: 14.07.2022–25.08.2022

01:21 21.07.2022 4123

On behalf of the commission for the competitive (tender) selection of suppliers, the Turkmenhimiya State Concern announces an


(Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper Issue No.184 of July 14, 2022)

for the purchase of products for the needs of the Balkanabat Iodine Plant for the following lots: 

Lot No. 1 - pipes, metals and metal products;

Lot No. 2 - general plant and technological equipment;

Lot No. 3 – electrical and measuring equipment and building products;

Lot No. 5 - chemical products and auxiliary means;

Lot No. 6 - others. 

         To participate in the tender, it is necessary to provide the Turkmenhimiya State Concern at the address: Chemical Production Supply Department, Logistics Directorate, Room No. 424, 4th floor, Industrial Complex of Turkmenistan 132, Archabil Shaoly, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, with the following:

-     a written application about the desire to participate in the tender, indicating the full name of the participant, its legal status, country of registration and bank details. Applications are not accepted from companies registered or having bank accounts in offshore zones, 

         As well as: 

-     to be acquainted with the “Rules for holding international tenders for the selection of suppliers of material and technical goods for the Turkmenhimiya State Concern”; 

-     to receive the lot specification and technical requirements; 

-     to receive a package of tender documents by paying 200 (two hundred) US dollars per lot (excluding VAT and bank costs). 

The account for the transfer of funds will be indicated when submitting a written application. 

Tender proposals are accepted from 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. local time. 

The deadline for submitting tender proposals is August 25, 2022, until 10:00 a.m. local time. 

Proposals received after the deadline set above will not be accepted or considered. 

Phones for information: +993 12 39-01-66 / 63


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