Oilmen, Gas Workers and Geologists of Turkmenistan Widely Celebrate Their Professional Holiday

23:22 15.12.2022 2710


Oilmen, gas workers and geologists of our country widely celebrated their professional holiday. The date December 14, 2009, when the Turkmenistan–China gas pipeline was put into operation, entered the historical annals of the independent neutral Turkmen state. And it was on this day that the professional holiday of workers of the oil and gas industry and geology of Turkmenistan was established. Since then, it has been widely celebrated in our country. 

Yesterday, on the occasion of the holiday, the celebration took place in the conference hall of the Central building of the oil and gas complex. Its participants with great enthusiasm listened to the Congratulatory Address of the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. 

As the head of state notes, “Large international energy projects implemented on the initiative of Turkmenistan are of great importance. The gas pipelines being built by Turkmenistan will help strengthen peace in the region, increase economic cooperation, create thousands of new jobs and form advanced industrial supply systems in our country, in neighboring countries and in the region as a whole. The implementation of these projects is among the key vectors of the policy of our state.” 

“In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, thanks to the tireless and selfless work of Turkmen oilmen, gas workers and geologists, great work is being done on the prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, the deep drilling and development of wells, the manufacture of new products, meeting international standards, and the establishment of close contacts with foreign partners for mutually beneficial cooperation,” the distinguished President noted in his congratulations. 

A professional holiday is a wonderful occasion to pay respect to people who work selflessly in various structures of the industry, sometimes in difficult field conditions or in hard-to-reach places. Some of them were presented yesterday with a wonderful award of the Motherland – the Medal “For Love of the Motherland”. 

The most distinguished workers of the oil and gas industry were also presented with valuable gifts on behalf of the President of the country. 

At the end of the solemn ceremony, the conference entitled “Berkarar döwletiň täze eýýamynyň galkynyşy döwründe Türkmenistanyň nebitgaz pudagynyň ösüşiniň täze belentlikleri” was held. Its speakers were the Chairman of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Social Policy of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Guvanchmyrad Agayev, the Professor, Head of the Department of Social Sciences of Yagshygeldy Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas Nuryagdy Suvhanov, the Chairman of the trade union organization of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan Sapar Ataberdiyev, the Director of the Research Institute of Natural Gas of the Türkmengaz State Concern Bayrammyrat Pirniyazov and others. The speakers noted the scale and significance of the multifaceted activities carried out in the field of fuel and energy complex and geology under the leadership of Arkadagly Serdar. 

As the speakers noted, recently, thanks to the specific measures taken by the President of the country to support the domestic oil and gas industry, its contribution to the national economy had significantly increased, its export opportunities had expanded, and its potential was building up, which, in turn, contributed to the development of international cooperation and the strengthening of the position of Turkmenistan as a state having not only huge raw energy resources, but also a modern production base for their development. 

It was noted that products manufactured in our country on the basis of huge oil and gas resources were in great demand in the world market, and Turkmenistan, as a major producer of energy resources and demanded products of the industry, had earned the respect of foreign oil and gas circles and companies as a reliable and responsible partner. 

During the celebration, the results of creative competitions for the best article, essay, story and photo essay under the thematic title “Nebitgaz baýlygym, hazyna-genjim, Waspyň etsin diller, saňa buýsanjym” and “Arkadagly ýetdik täze zamana, Şan-şöhratyň dolup älem-jahana” were also summed up. The organizers of the creative contests were jointly the Türkmengaz and Türkmennebit State Concerns, the trade union organization of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan and the editorial staff of the Nebit-Gaz newspaper. The winners of the contest were awarded certificates and valuable gifts. 

The participants of the festive celebrations adopted the Letter of Gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan. 

The festive celebration ended with a big concert in the Cultural and Business Center of the Türkmengaz State Concern , the program of which included performances by popular vocalists – the People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Annagul Gurdova, Honored Artists of the country Eldar Ahmedov, Shohrat Saparov and Dovran Nuryagdiyev and other masters of arts, who sang of their beloved Motherland and the success of independent neutral Turkmenistan, achieved thanks to the progressive policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. 

The holiday of workers of the oil and gas industry and geology of Turkmenistan was widely celebrated yesterday in all velayats of our country. 

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