Promising areas of partnership between Turkmenistan and Tajikistan discussed in Dushanbe

17:49 09.05.2023 5124

 On Monday, the Turkmen-Tajik business forum, the first meeting of the Business Council and a joint exhibition of export goods of the two countries were held in the capital of Tajikistan.  Their holding is intended to promote the further development of mutually beneficial relations between Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

 The Turkmen delegation included heads of various ministries and departments, representatives of business structures and the field of science.

 The exhibition presented the export opportunities of Tajik and Turkmen manufacturers of various goods.  In particular, the achievements of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, industry, energy, textile industry, construction and architecture, trade and foreign economic relations, as well as high-quality products of private companies are widely represented here.  All this testifies to the success of solving the problems of increasing export products in Turkmenistan.

 The agenda of the Turkmen-Tajik business forum included a wide range of issues related to the implementation of the trade, economic, export and investment potential of the two countries.

 The speeches emphasized the importance attached by the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan to the strengthening and expansion of traditional friendly, good neighborly relations between our peoples.

 As part of the exchange of views, the parties discussed specific areas of partnership, taking into account the existing potential of the two countries.  A large role in this is assigned to the joint Intergovernmental Turkmen-Tajik commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation.

 The participants of the business forum noted the need to expand cooperation between entrepreneurs of the two countries, to hold joint exhibitions of commodity producers, economic forums and other events.

 As a result of the business forum, more than 20 documents on cooperation between the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan and a number of state enterprises and private structures of Tajikistan were signed.

 The first meeting of the Turkmen-Tajik Business Council was held at the National Library of Tajikistan, which was attended by heads and representatives of the chambers of commerce and industry and other relevant structures of the two countries.

 The participants of the Business Council emphasized that favorable legal, economic, financial and social conditions have been created in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan for the effective and dynamic development of entrepreneurship.  This is reflected in the improvement of the tax sphere, the simplification of export-import operations, and concessional lending.

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