Celebrations on the occasion of Victory Day were held in Turkmenistan

17:00 10.05.2023 3568


 On May 9, a solemn flower-laying ceremony was held at the Halk hakydasy Memorial Complex in the capital of Turkmenistan in tribute to the memory of the fallen in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

 Members of the Halk Maslahaty, deputies of the national parliament, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, representatives of public organizations, honorary elders and gray-haired mothers, representatives of labor collectives, as well as residents and guests of the capital laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers who fell during the war.

 As noted at the event, in the harsh war years, thousands of brave Turkmen citizens, along with representatives of other fraternal peoples, did not spare themselves, fought at the fronts, showing unparalleled courage and heroism.  Among them are the great-grandfather of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the grandfather of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Berdimuhamed Annaev, whose life path today serves as a model of patriotism, valor and devotion to duty for the Turkmen youth.

 Festive celebrations on May 9 were held throughout Turkmenistan.  Residents of cities and villages, paying tribute to the valiant defenders of the Fatherland, laid bouquets of flowers at the monuments erected in honor of the national heroes who died a heroic death in the war of 1941-1945.

 On the same day, on the territory of the joint Turkmen-Russian school named after A.S.  Pushkin, the procession of the “Immortal Regiment” took place.  About 1,200 people took part in the patriotic action initiated by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Turkmenistan – schoolchildren and teachers with portraits of their grandfathers, great-grandfathers and other relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

 It was noted at the rally that Turkmenistan made a great contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War.  In total, more than 300,000 Turkmen soldiers went to the front.  Of these, more than 70 thousand fighters were awarded orders and medals.  104 residents of Turkmenistan were awarded the high title of “Hero of the Soviet Union”, and 15 people became full holders of the Order of Glory.

 According to historians, Turkmen citizens donated 170 million rubles in cash to the All-Union Defense Fund.  The women of the republic collected and donated about 7.5 tons of gold and silver jewelry for the needs of the front.  Turkmen women’s jewelry was used in the production of 5 tank columns and 7 squadrons of combat aircraft.

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