Issues of international cooperation on the reconstruction of Afghanistan discussed at the talks with the head of the UN mission

16:28 26.05.2023 1831

 Issues of international cooperation in the implementation of joint projects related to the reconstruction of Afghanistan were discussed on Thursday at the talks between the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Vepa Khadzhiev and the head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) Roza Otunbayeva, who is on a working visit to Ashgabat to participate in  meeting of the Special Representatives for Afghanistan in the “Central Asia – European Union” format.  This is reported by the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan.

 As V. Khadzhiev noted, Turkmenistan is extremely interested in the security and stability of the neighboring country, as well as its socio-economic development.  In this context, attention was focused on the importance of broad cooperation between the countries and the UN on Afghanistan issues, first of all, maintaining close cooperation with UNAMA.

 As noted, Turkmenistan is one of the states of Central Asia, which, following its status of permanent neutrality, actively participates in international efforts to stabilize the political and socio-economic situation in Afghanistan.  In particular, Turkmenistan regularly sends humanitarian cargo to Afghanistan, builds social facilities, and provides medical assistance to the population.

 Turkmenistan also contributes to the economic recovery of the neighboring country through the implementation of projects such as the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Afghanistan (TAPI) gas pipeline, the TAP power line, the repair of railways and the laying of new tracks.

 During the meeting, the parties expressed their interest in broad international cooperation in the context of further close cooperation in the implementation of joint projects related to the reconstruction of Afghanistan and its integration into world economic relations.

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