Turkmenistan is preparing a roadmap for cooperation aimed at joining the Global Methane Commitment

15:55 12.06.2023 3175


 The draft Roadmap for 2023-2024 for the development of international cooperation aimed at studying the issue of Turkmenistan joining the Global Methane Commitment (GMO) was reported by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov at a government meeting last Saturday.

 As noted, in the implementation of the foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan, special attention is paid to bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the field of environmental protection and combating climate change.  Being committed to fulfilling the international obligations assumed, in particular, arising from the Paris Agreement on reducing gas emissions, Turkmenistan demonstrates a responsible approach to solving the tasks set in this area.

 The world community supports the constructive initiatives of our country, including the proposal made at the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow.  At the same time, concrete steps are being taken in Turkmenistan to transition to a “green” economy.  This is evidenced by the approval of the Roadmap for the development of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of hydrogen energy for 2022-2023 and the planned opening in Ashgabat at the initiative of the head of state of the UN Regional Climate Technology Center for Central Asia.

 The draft of the mentioned Roadmap, developed jointly with the relevant national ministries and departments, provides for a set of measures.  In this context, a number of proposals were submitted for consideration by the President of Turkmenistan, including holding seminars and round tables with the participation of international structures in order to raise awareness on GMOs, establishing interaction with foreign partners in the preparation of test projects in the field of reducing methane emissions.

It is proposed to organize specialized internships for employees of ministries and sectoral departments of our country in the world’s leading research centers and companies involved in the implementation of GMOs.

 Also, proposals were made to hold seminars and scientific research together with the International Observatory on Methane Emissions of the UN Environment Program, as well as to improve national legislation.

 After listening to the report, Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that Turkmenistan has consistently taken an active position in international cooperation in the field of ecology, including those related to adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its consequences.  To solve the tasks set in this area, a strategy of transition to a “green” economy is being implemented, focused on the introduction of advanced environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies.

 The President approved the draft Roadmap, which provides for the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement at the national level, a set of measures to study the issue of Turkmenistan’s accession to the Global Methane Commitment, development of cooperation with international organizations and large foreign companies in this area.

 Stressing that Turkmenistan will continue to promote in every possible way the strengthening and expansion of environmental partnership in regional and global change, the head of state instructed the Vice-Chairman, Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue systematic work in this topical direction.

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