Issues of interaction between the Caspian states were discussed in Ashgabat

18:36 14.09.2023 1389

 Current issues on the agenda on Caspian issues were discussed at the 6th meeting of the High-Level Working Group on Caspian Sea Issues, held on September 11-13 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.  This is reported by the website of the foreign ministry of our country.

 Delegations from five Caspian states – Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation – took part in the meeting.  The meeting participants discussed a number of topical issues on the Caspian agenda, in particular, draft agreements.

 An exchange of views also took place on preparations for the next meeting of the foreign ministers of the Caspian states.

 The parties agreed to hold the next meeting of the working group in Azerbaijan.

 Following the event, a Communiqué was adopted.

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