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The results of the development of the fuel and energy complex for January-August 2022 were summed up at the government meeting
12.09.22 - 22:41

Last Friday, September 9, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system, during which the results of the work of all sectors of the national economy of Turkmenistan for eight months of 2022 were summed up. Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shakhym Abdrakhmanov reported on the results of the oil and gas complex for January-August.

Turkmenistan's GDP growth for eight months remains at the level of 6.2%
12.09.22 - 22:42

The GDP growth of Turkmenistan for eight months of 2022 remains at the level of 6.2%. This was stated by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at a government meeting held last Friday via digital system.

Investment projects in the fuel and energy complex and other areas were discussed by the heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Saudi Development Fund
12.09.22 - 22:43

Issues of implementing investment projects in the energy sector, gas chemical industry, agriculture and water management, and healthcare were discussed at a meeting between Vice-Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and CEO of the Saudi Development Fund Sultan bin Abdulrahman Al-Marshad. This was reported by the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan.

EU Energy Council to discuss energy prices and security of EU energy supply
09.09.22 - 22:18

An extraordinary EU Energy Council will be held in Brussels on Friday to discuss high prices in the energy market and issues of security of energy supply to the EU countries, according to a communiqué published in Brussels.

Opportunities for expanding partnerships in energy and other areas discussed with Special Representative of the Chinese Government
09.09.22 - 03:23

Li Hui, Special Representative of the PRC Government for Eurasian Affairs, who is visiting our country, discussed with the leadership of Turkmenistan the possibilities for further expansion of bilateral ties in the field of energy, transport, logistics and other areas, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

Turkmen Investment Company invites local businesses to cooperate
09.09.22 - 03:25

The Closed Joint-Stock Company «Turkmen Investment Company», established in accordance with world practice by the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan together with the Abu Dhabi Development Fund of the United Arab Emirates, invites entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan to cooperate. This was reported on the pages of the newspaper «Neutral Turkmenistan».

Various types of diesel fuel were in demand at exchange trading
07.09.22 - 15:54

On Monday, September 5, at the auction of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, 5 transactions were concluded for a total of $16.9 million, ORIENT reports.

Gazprom is preparing to increase the volume of gas supplies to China and switch to payment in yuan or rubles
08.09.22 - 00:14

Russian Gazprom has begun designing a new gas pipeline to China along the Far East route and signed an addendum to the Gas Purchase and Sale Agreement with CNPC, which allows mutual settlements in yuan or rubles. This was reported on the official website of Gazprom.

Abu Dhabi to host oil and gas forum ADIPEC-2022
06.09.22 - 19:57

The US Embassy in Turkmenistan invites representatives of the Turkmen side to take part in the International Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC-2022). The forum will be held in Abu Dhabi, UAE from October 31 to November 3, 2022. This was reported on the website of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (

Baku will support the construction of the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline, but will not be the initiator
06.09.22 - 19:59

Azerbaijan will support the implementation of the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline if the Turkmen authorities decide to build it, but Baku will not initiate the project, President Ilham Aliyev said, Interfax reports.

Turkmenistan has risen to 7th place in the world ranking of countries with the cheapest gasoline
05.09.22 - 19:37

Turkmenistan ranks 7th in the world ranking of countries with the cheapest automotive fuel. This is evidenced by the data of the report on motor fuel prices in the world, published on August 29 by the online edition GlobalPetrolPrices.

The delegation of Turkmenistan took part in the Tatarstan petrochemical forum
05.09.22 - 19:38

From August 31 to September 2, the Tatarstan PetroChemical Forum – 2022 (TNF – 2022) was held at the Kazan Expo International Exhibition Center from August 31 to September 2, in which more than two thousand delegates took part. From Turkmenistan, the forum was attended by representatives of the State Concerns «Turkmengas» and «Turkmennebit», the State Corporation «Turkmengeology». This is reported by the website of the Consulate General of Turkmenistan in Kazan.

Gas in Europe has risen in price by 30% due to the situation with Nord Stream
05.09.22 - 19:39

The spot price of gas in Europe is growing by 30%, to almost $2,900/ths. Cube m due to the ongoing shutdown of Nord Stream, Interfax reports today.

Deals for the export of diesel fuel and liquefied gas were concluded at exchange trading
02.09.22 - 22:37

At the auction of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, held on August 30, 13 transactions were concluded for a total of $17.7 million and 1.6 million Turkmen manats, ORIENT reports.

Gazprom decided to create a gas transmission system with a pressure of 150 atmospheres
02.09.22 - 22:38

Gazprom has decided to create a gas transmission system with an operating pressure of 150 atmospheres (14.8 MPa). According to Interfax on Friday, Oleg Aksyutin, deputy chairman of the board of the company, said this at the Gazprom Supplier Day during the Tatarstan Petrochemical Forum.