The Energy Forum opened in Ashgabat timed to the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality

19:16 01.12.2020 4413

Today in the building of the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern "Turkmengas" the International conference “Sustainable cooperation in the energy sector - important condition for universal development” has been opened. The forum dedicated to the energy diplomacy of Turkmenistan is timed to the 25th anniversary of the neutrality of our country.

 The organizers of the conference are the State Concerns "Turkmengas" and "Turkmennebit" in partnership with the Turkmen Forum.

The event, taking into account the time constraints on international travel due to the global pandemic, is held both in person and online.  However, even in these conditions, the energy forum brought together delegates of 59 companies from 33 countries, half of which participate via online broadcast.

Among the conference participants there are representatives of such large energy companies as PETRONAS, CNPC, LUKOIL, SOCAR, Dragon Oil, as well as a 10 reputable international organizations and financial institutions, including the International Gas Union, the European Energy Charter, the Global Gas Center, the Oxford Institute of Energy  Research, Asian Development Bank.

At the Forum opening ceremony the Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Myratgeldi Meredov read the official greeting of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed to the participants of the International Conference.

The agenda of the forum includes topical issues of developing international cooperation in the energy sector.  The plenary session will discuss the importance of transnational pipelines as key elements of energy security and sustainable development;  the role of natural gas in the energy world after COVID-19;  a modernized Energy Charter Treaty as an indispensable element of sustainable cooperation in the energy sector;  cross-border cooperation in the development of deposits.

 The sessions will consider such topics as “Energy diplomacy of Turkmenistan - the key to sustainable cooperation”; “Cooperation of the European Union with Turkmenistan in the field of energy”; “Global gas markets and transportation”; “Investment opportunities of Turkmenistan”; “Role of the TAPI project in the regional energy market”;  “Importance of natural gas in maintaining sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region” and others.

 Within the framework of the conference, preliminary approved meetings with the leadership of the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan will also be held.

 Given the important role of oil and natural gas in ensuring energy security in the world, this international conference will facilitate the exchange of views with industry experts, as well as the establishment of a direct dialogue with the top management of the oil and gas industry in Turkmenistan.

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