Global Gas Hub stands ready to assist in promoting Turkmen gas in Central Asia and Europe

01:55 03.12.2020 5115

 Turkmenistan can play a significant role in the region thanks to its resources and the projects that it implements for the benefit of both its people and the peoples of the entire planet.  This was stated by the Executive Director of the Global Gas Center Valerie Ducro, speaking online at the International Conference "Sustainable Energy Cooperation - an Important Condition for Global Development", held on Tuesday in Ashgabat.

 “It will be with great pleasure that I closely cooperate with you, including in the promotion of Turkmen gas in Central Asia and Europe”, - Valerie Ducro, the leadership of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan, assured.

 “Gas must be available to all consumers, it is necessary to protect the environment and national security of countries”, - Ducros said, urging all gas market players to step back from political debate and accept the transition to low-carbon energy.

 Turkmenistan, which ranks 4th in the world in terms of natural gas resources and is the most important supplier, develops its export infrastructure, creating a multi-vector pipeline system.  And promising large-scale projects will allow the country to become the largest energy bridge between East and West, Valerie Ducros said.

 In this opinion, despite the fact that now the COVID-19 crisis has led the world to a deep recession, the stagnation of economic activity is likely to reduce interest in new expensive projects, huge opportunities remain for gas, because technologies in this area are well developed, and  the product is quite affordable.

- It is natural gas that is the world's insurance energy for the energy transition and economic recovery, - the executive director of the GGC said.

 It is worth noting that the Global Gas Center (GGC, headquartered in Geneva) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the leaders and experts of gas companies.  Its goal is to promote sustainable energy with a special focus on issues related to natural gas.

 The GGC maintains a close partnership with the World Energy Council, which allows its members to have direct access to important research and events.  In addition, GGC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to maximize the potential of the UN platform to promote gas as an efficient and clean source of energy.

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