President held a meeting on the development of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan

01:57 03.12.2020 4951

 On Tuesday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a digital video conference on the development of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan, which was attended by some Vice-Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and industry leaders.

 During the meeting, Vice-Chairman Gadyrgeldy Mushshikov reported on contracts and agreements concluded by ministries and sectoral departments with foreign companies for the purchase of goods, performance of work and provision of services.

 The chairmen of the SC "Turkmengaz" Batyr Amanov and the SC "Turkmennebit" Guichgeldi Baigeldiev reported on the steps taken to increase the production of hydrocarbons, processing and export volumes of natural gas.

 Amanov informed about the work carried out by “Turkmengas” together with foreign partners to develop the Galkynysh gas field, increase the production of natural gas and gas condensate, and build the second stage of a gasoline from natural gas plant in Ahal velayat together with foreign companies.  The report also said that pipes were welded and equipment was being installed at the Turkmen section of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline.

 The head of “Turkmengas” reported on the announcement of an international tender to reduce the cost of polyethylene products at the polymer plant in Kiyanly and to draw up a project for the construction of an isobutane production unit at the plant.

 The head of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" reported on the prospecting and exploration work of the concern on the coast of the Caspian Sea and steps to attract investors to new projects in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea.  It was also reported on joint activities with foreign partners at the Goturdepe field, on the drilling and commissioning of dozens of new productive wells at the North Goturdepe field.

 Chairman of the State Corporation "Turkmengeology" Merdan Rozyev reported on the field geophysical research and exploration and exploration drilling, on measures to develop productive strata of the Northern Goturdepe, Cheleken fields, and discovered new hydrocarbon deposits.

 Director General of the TCOR Dovran Chishiev reported on the work to increase the production of petroleum products and expand their range, as well as measures to introduce digital technologies at the refinery.

 Vice-Chairman Myratgeldi Meredov reported on the fulfillment of the President's instructions to introduce advanced technologies, attract foreign investment, increase the production of natural gas and oil, and produce products of their processing.

 Having heard the reports, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of further modernization of the fuel and energy complex enterprises.  In this regard, the heads of departments and the Vice-Chairmen were instructed to attract foreign investment, apply advanced world experience and modern technologies.

 Taking into account the huge capital investments of the state in the industry, the President singled out increasing the productivity and profitability of the fuel and energy complex among the priorities.

 Emphasizing that unrelenting control over the dynamics of expenses, reducing the cost of production is an urgent requirement of the time, the head of state addressed specific orders to the leaders.

 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also instructed to increase the volume of crude oil production through the use of modern technologies, to improve the efficiency of oil production and drilling operations, as well as to achieve uninterrupted oil supply to the TCOR.

 The head of state also gave specific instructions to improve the performance of geological exploration, seismic and drilling operations through the use of modern equipment, as well as training highly qualified specialists.

 The President instructed the Prosecutor General's Office and the Central Bank to analyze the financial and economic indicators of the fuel and energy complex structures and conduct a technical inventory of the industry's enterprises.  This measure, the leader of the nation noted, is aimed at further improving the supply system of the material and technical base of the enterprises of the complex.

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