International Energy Forum: Turkmenistan is a reliable and promising partner

01:56 03.12.2020 5320

 The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Stable cooperation in the energy sector is the most important condition for global development" held on December 1 in Ashgabat, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality, demonstrated the great interest of the international business community in mutually beneficial partnership with Turkmenistan, as one of the most important participants in the world  energy market.

 The participants of the forum, organized by the State Concerns «Turkmengas» and «Turkmennebit», discussed a wide range of issues related to international cooperation in the energy sector.  At the same time, the successful implementation of the energy diplomacy of Turkmenistan, which is based on the principles of positive neutrality and is aimed at the practical implementation of joint economic and investment projects, and the creation of favorable conditions for international interaction, was especially emphasized.

 This is clearly confirmed by the implementation of such a large-scale project as the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline, which, in the opinion of all its participants, will give a powerful impetus to the economic progress of the region and the development of friendly and fraternal ties between countries.  This project is supported by world powers and reputable international financial institutions.

 As noted at the forum, the status of our country as one of the largest energy states in the world is confirmed by an independent assessment of natural gas resources, including the super-giant Galkynysh field, which is the second largest in the world in terms of energy reserves.  After the discovery of this and a number of other fields, Turkmenistan confidently takes the 4th place in the international ranking in terms of proven natural gas reserves, becoming a significant player in the Asian energy market.

 In this regard, it was reported that now Turkmenistan is the largest exporter of pipeline gas to China.  Three strings (A, B and C) of the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China transnational gas pipeline, commissioned in December 2009, supply about 40 billion cubic meters of "blue fuel" per year.  And in the future, the annual volume of Turkmen gas exports to the Celestial Empire will be increased to 65 billion cubic meters per year.

 In addition, Turkmenistan currently supplies gas through the Central Asia-Center gas pipeline to Russia, and has all the technical capabilities and resource base for exporting "blue fuel" to the south.

 Along with the development of pipeline transport, Turkmenistan pays special attention to deep processing of hydrocarbons, which in the future will become dominant in the country's economy.  In recent years alone, several gas chemical complexes have been built and put into operation in the country.  And in the near future, it is planned to build a number of similar industrial enterprises that will produce products with high added value that are in demand in foreign markets.

 In addition, the modernization of the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries (TCOR) is being carried out in stages.  After the reconstruction and construction of new facilities, this large enterprise accounts for a quarter of the volume of manufactured industrial products, which makes oil products the basis of the export potential of our country.

 According to most experts, it is natural gas that can make a decisive contribution to economic recovery after the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.  The main sources of demand for gas in the world will be industry and the electric power industry.

 In the speeches of the Secretary General of the Energy Charter Urban Rusnak, the Head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat Natalia Drozd, and other forum participants, a special emphasis was made on the fact that strengthening the positions of the global economy directly depends on the sustainability of the world energy.  In turn, this puts forward a number of urgent tasks, including ensuring energy security, covering the production of energy carriers, their transportation and final consumption.

 During the session "Energy Diplomacy of Turkmenistan: Transnational Pipelines - Key Elements of Sustainable Development and Energy Security", the Ambassador of the European Union to Turkmenistan Diego Ruiz Alonso, Director General of CNPC Li Shulian, UN Special Representative for Preventive Diplomacy Natalia German and others made reports.

 As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, speaking with a video message at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, Turkmenistan intends to intensify work on the creation of UN international legal instruments in the field of stability and reliability of energy transit.

 In the final session of the conference, the role of financial institutions as a driving force for development and stability was discussed.  This session was addressed by the General Executive Director of the consortium "TAPI Pipeline Company Limited" Mukhammetmyrat Amanov, acting  Chairman of the Central Bank of Afghanistan Ajmal Ahmadi, representatives of the Asian Development Bank and Credit Suisse Bank.

 Within the framework of the forum, online meetings of heads of structural divisions of the domestic fuel and energy complex with potential partners were also held, during which strategic directions of cooperation in the energy sector were discussed.

 Thus, the results of the held international energy forum will further strengthen mutually beneficial business ties and attract foreign investment in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan.

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