Oil and gas industry and geology workers of Independent Neutral Turkmenistan

20:36 14.12.2020 4801


 Dear oilmen, gasmen and geologists!

 I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry and Geology Workers!  Your professional holiday coincided with the widely and solemnly celebrated 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality in the year, the motto of which is "Turkmenistan is the homeland of neutrality"!  I wish each of you good health, prosperity, great success in your work, designed to strengthen the national economy of the Motherland and significantly improve the standard of living of the Turkmen people!

 Possessing huge reserves of natural resources, Turkmenistan enjoys great prestige in the world as major producer of energy resources and reliable partner.  We use national natural resources not only in the interests of our people, but also in the name of a prosperous life and a bright future for all mankind.  An example of this is the large projects we are carrying out in the oil and gas sector, among which the construction of the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India is of particular interest in the world.  In the future, the implementation of new regional and global projects in the fuel and energy complex will become one of the policy priorities of our state.

 Dear employees of the oil and gas complex!

 We have implemented a number of projects to diversify the oil and gas complex, enrich its structure by creating new modern production facilities.  We will continue our programmatic work in this direction in the future.

 It is noteworthy that at present new, promising, rich oil and gas fields have been discovered on the territory of our country, gas chemical complexes have been commissioned to produce essential and competitive products that are in great demand on world markets.

 In addition, in the near future it is planned to build several more new gas chemical complexes for the deep processing of natural gas.  This will create favorable conditions for a significant increase in production volumes, product range and industry development through comprehensive diversification.

 Dear hardworking oil and gas and geological workers!

 The "Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country for 2019-2025", as well as the "Program for the development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for the period up to 2030" provide priority measures to increase the level of production.  This will ensure the energy security of our country in the global and regional dimensions, its stable economic progress.

 Today, in the age of rapid development of science and technology, the consumption of crude oil and petroleum products is also growing.  In this regard, we pay special attention to the development of the country's petrochemical industry.

 Among our main goals are the development of this area, the effective use of rich hydrocarbon resources, an increase in the volume of processing and export of energy resources.

 Our ongoing work is a clear evidence of the successful implementation of the policy of diversifying the economy and industrializing the country.

 I am confident that hardworking Turkmen oil workers, gas workers and geologists will fulfill all the tasks and planned works assigned to them with honor.

 Dear oil workers, gas workers and geologists of Independent Neutral Turkmenistan!

 Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry and Geology Workers!  I wish you good health, a happy and prosperous life, great success in your work to develop the oil and gas industry and strengthen the economic potential of Turkmenistan!

 President of Turkmenistan

 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

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