A gas compressor station at the Malay field prepares for commissioning

16:32 06.01.2021 5301


The issues of preparation for the commissioning of a number of infrastructure facilities of international importance were discussed during a working meeting that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held on January 4 via digital video communication with the participation of some Vice Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as mayors of regions and the capital.

Among the facilities prepared for commissioning were a gas compressor unit at the Malai gas field in the Lebap region, the Akina-Andkhoy railway line, the Ymamnazar-Akina international fiber-optic communication systems, Serhetabat-Turgundi in the Mary region, power lines from the Kerkinskaya power plant to the Turkmen-Afghan border.

The head of state instructed the relevant leaders to ensure a high level of celebrations on the occasion of the commissioning of all planned facilities.

It is worth noting that the project for the construction of a gas compressor station at the Malay field was implemented by the British company “Petro Gas LLP” at the request of the State Concern “Turkmengas” in accordance with the decree of the President of Turkmenistan dated August 22, 2018. Its capacity is 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

Malay is one of the largest gas fields in Turkmenistan, where effective natural gas production has been carried out for many years. The supply of "blue fuel" to the interstate gas pipeline Turkmenistan-China is also provided from this field.

The contract between the State Concern “Turkmengas” and “Petro Gas LLP” for the construction of this infrastructure facility was signed in order to increase the export of Turkmen natural gas. The commissioning of a new gas compressor unit will help to increase export supplies of "blue fuel".

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