Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: it is important to maintain the achieved growth rates

01:13 11.03.2021 6115

 The results of the work of the branches of the economy of Turkmenistan for two months of 2021 indicate that the country continues to develop dynamically.  At the same time, it is necessary to make every effort to maintain the achieved growth rates.  This was highlighted by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held via digital video communication last Friday.

 The leader of Turkmenistan noted that since the beginning of the year, GDP growth rates have remained at the level of 5.9%.  In agriculture, the growth is 3.1%, in trade – 12.8%, in transport and communications – 4.7%.

 The head of the state said that at present, Turkmenistan was widely building numerous facilities with a total cost of over 38 billion US dollars.  Most of them are social and domestic facilities. At the same time, it was especially noteworthy that the work for more than 18 billion US dollars was carried out by domestic construction and installation organizations.

- However, regarding the global economy, it is important for us to maintain the achieved growth rates, - the President emphasized.

 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov recalled that recently the issues related to the sectors of the economy were thoroughly considered, the measures required for their solution were outlined, many of which were still not being implemented. In this regard, the President pointed out the need to continue political and economic reforms in the country.

 - Two months of this year have already passed, but to this day the funds allocated for this purpose are not being used. The work on digitalization, privatization of facilities and transformation of enterprises into joint-stock companies, on the formation of a securities market is being carried out slowly, - the President stated.

 The head of Turkmenistan demanded to speed up the process of introducing the digital system into state organizations, transferring various state services to electronic format.

 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the need to complete the implementation of large projects to create a ring energy system inside the country and lay the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission line. The President also instructed to work out the issues of attracting as much investment as possible to the construction and industrial sectors, and privatizing enterprises.

 In the field of constant vision, there should be issues of construction of subordinate facilities, primarily anniversary ones, implementation of programs for providing the population with housing and drinking water.  In a word, special attention should be paid to further improving the living standards of the people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

 - It is necessary to analyze the state of the world economy and the situation in neighboring countries.  Based on this, it is necessary to make adjustments to the indicators of the current year, to prepare the expected forecasts.  In general, taking into account the situation in the world economy, next week the state of affairs in the sectors of the national economic complex of the country will be analyzed again, - the Turkmen leader said.

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