At an online meeting with the IEA, various aspects of partnership were discussed

20:07 10.07.2020 3396

The possibilities of preparing a joint review with the International Energy Agency (IEA) on the prospects for the gas, oil and energy sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan were discussed during an online meeting of the IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol with Vice-Chairman for Oil and Gas Issues Myratgeldi Meredov, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports. The meeting, organized at the Central Office of the Oil and Gas Complex of Turkmenistan, also considered proposals for training personnel by organizing short-term courses on medium and long-term forecasting of the evolution of international energy markets, as well as on introducing technologies for energy efficiency and green energy. The parties also discussed the prospects of establishing and developing cooperation on alternative and renewable energy sources. Earlier, at international conferences and presentations, it was reported that the potential hydrocarbon resources of Turkmenistan amounted to 71.2 billion tons of oil equivalent, of which 53 billion tons are on land, and 18.2 billion tons are offshore. According to the independent British company Gafney, Cline & Associates, the reserves of only one giant gas field, Galkynysh, are estimated at 27.4 trillion cubic meters of natural gas.  Its industrial development will serve as the main source for large-scale pipeline, infrastructure and gas processing projects. Turkmenistan is currently exporting “blue fuel” to China and Russia.  Construction work is underway on the Turkmen section of the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI).  Turkmengaz is also considering the possibility of exporting gas in the European direction. Along with increasing exports of natural gas, Turkmenistan is consistently increasing gas processing to produce finished gas-chemical products in demand on foreign markets.  So, in the village of Kiyanly of the Balkan province, a polymer plant was built and is successfully operating, designed to process 5 billion cubic meters of gas and produce 386 thousand tons of high density polyethylene and 81 thousand tons of polypropylene per year. In the town of Ovadandepe of the Akhal region, the world's first plant for the production of 600 thousand tons of ECO-93 gasoline, as well as 12 thousand tons of refined diesel fuel and 115 thousand tons of liquefied gas, was commissioned. In the future, it is planned to build a number of new facilities for the processing of natural gas and the production of various gas chemistry products, which will meet the needs of not only the domestic market, but also be widely exported to many countries of the world.

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