Environmentally friendly and high-tech project at «Galkynysh» will be successfully implemented, - representative of «CNPC»

22:56 24.08.2021 4968


 When carrying out construction work at the Galkynysh field, modern scientific and technical justifications and methods will be used, and wells will be drilled at the highest quality level.  This was stated by Chen Huailong, Director General of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) branch in Turkmenistan, speaking at a ceremony marking the start of construction of those new wells in the giant Galkynysh gas field.

 Emphasized that it is a great honor for him to represent CNPC at the ceremony, Chen Huailong expressed heartfelt gratitude to the leader of the nation on behalf of the corporation for the constant attention to cooperation with China in the energy sector, as well as for the support and assistance in the work of Chinese partners in Turkmenistan.

 The businessman noted that on July 17, 2007, with the participation of the heads of the two states, a Production Sharing Agreement was signed on the Bagtyyarlyk contract territory, as well as an Agreement on the purchase and sale of natural gas between the State Concern «Turkmengas» and CNPC.  This laid the foundation for a mutually beneficial long-term Turkmen-Chinese partnership in the fuel and energy sector.

 He also recalled that in September 2013, with the participation of Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Xi Jinping, the facilities built as part of the first stage of industrial development of the Galkynysh field were opened.

«The successful development of this gigantic natural storehouse of «blue fuel» by Turkmenistan, which has established itself as a major energy producer and a reliable business partner, has demonstrated its ability to implement large-scale international projects, increased the country's prestige on the world stage», the businessman said.

 He also noted that the personal participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the current ceremony was a sign of the active support of the Chinese and Turkmen specialists.  This event marked a new milestone in bilateral energy cooperation, a CNPC representative stated.

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