Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov discussed new projects at a video meeting with heads of foreign companies

03:20 01.05.2021 4828

Last Wednesday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a videoconference meeting with the heads of a number of foreign companies, where they discussed aspects of developing cooperation and investment in the economy of our country.

Foreign participants include Igor Makarov, Head of the International Group of Companies “ARETI” (Switzerland), General Director and Partner of “King & Spalding” Law Firm Andrew Hruska, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer of “Rizvi Traverse Management LLC” Suhail Rizvi and General Director of “Legacy” Financial Company ", Adviser to the President of MGK “ARETI” Evgeny Frenkel.

As Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, Turkmenistan, which has rich natural resources, pays great attention to expanding mutually beneficial relations with large international business structures and leading companies in the world.

Important elements of our country's progress are such strategic directions as the development of the energy sector, improving the investment climate for attracting capital to various sectors of the economy, as well as investments in information technology.

The head of state stressed that he welcomes the start of the current dialogue regarding the creation of a consortium of international investors to participate in the implementation of projects in Turkmenistan and announced his readiness to consider proposals from businessmen in all areas.

Noting that in order to study the project and prepare contract documentation, the relevant leaders will be instructed to form a working group, which will include representatives of relevant state bodies, the head of state said that at the next meeting further steps will be determined to implement the plans.

Suhail Rizvi confirmed the commitment of the Swiss-led consortium of global financial institutions to invest in projects implemented in Turkmenistan. He noted that the company supports the vision of the Turkmen side to create a new infrastructure for the development of giant hydrocarbon reserves.

The head of state stressed the interest of our country in high-quality innovative projects in the field of high technologies that can be used to develop the economy, financial system and social sphere. The relevant government departments will be instructed to study the submitted materials, jointly discuss the details of each project and prepare conclusions based on the results of the work, the leader of the nation said.

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