The President of Turkmenistan and the Head of the PRC Foreign Ministry discussed cooperation in the fuel and energy complex and other priorities of cooperation

20:59 14.07.2021 5668

 President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on Tuesday received Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who arrived in Turkmenistan on a two-day official visit the day before, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

 Having discussed the intention of the parties to closely interact in both bilateral and multilateral formats, the head of Turkmenistan and the Chinese foreign minister noted the coincidence of views of the two states on key points of the international agenda contributes to the establishment of a confidential dialogue that meets mutual interests.

 They especially noted the relevance of the strategy initiated by Ashgabat to revive the Great Silk Road in the new realities and the project of Chinese partners «One Belt – One Road».

 Having touched upon the topic of Turkmen-Chinese relations, the interlocutors stated that recent years have had marked a real breakthrough in the development of interstate relations, the fruits of which have become important joint projects, including the construction of the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-China.

 Among the most important areas of the Turkmen-Chinese partnership were the fuel and energy, transport and communication complexes, as well as the spheres of health care, information, communications, high technologies, and astronautics.

 One of the topics of discussion was the joint fight against coronavirus infection.

 On the same day, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Deputy Prime Minister, co-chairman of the intergovernmental Turkmen-Chinese committee on cooperation with the Turkmen side Serdar Berdimuhamedov.  The parties expressed interest in continuing to work together in the textile, chemical, food industries, agro-industrial complex and other areas, where the addition of efforts seen as the most promising.

 According to a report on the website of the PRC Foreign Ministry, Wang Yi spoke in favor of defining a comprehensive plan of cooperation for the next five years and said that China always viewed cooperation with Turkmenistan in the field of natural gas as a long-term partnership and ready to continue to be a reliable export market in this area.

 The website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry also notes that Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Wang Yi discussed interaction in the field of natural gas and the development of cooperation in non-resource sectors of the economy.

 The meeting also discussed the development of a five-year cooperation plan, which would focus the countries' attention on the most promising economic areas, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.  The meeting also touched upon the supply of Chinese vaccines from COVID-19 to Turkmenistan.

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