President of Turkmenistan: the upcoming visit to Turkey will open new pages in Turkmen-Turkish cooperation

16:55 12.10.2023 1565

 President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that the upcoming official visit to the Republic of Turkey will open new pages in the further development of Turkmen-Turkish friendly and fraternal relations.

 The head of Turkmenistan stated this at a meeting on Wednesday with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, who is on an official visit to Ashgabat, TDH reports.

 As Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, in the context of a multifaceted bilateral partnership, a special place is given to the trade and economic sphere.  In this context, it was noted that Turkey currently occupies one of the leading positions in the foreign trade turnover of Turkmenistan.

 “Our states actively cooperate in almost all sectors of the economy,” stated the head of Turkmenistan, emphasizing that there are great opportunities for the development of fruitful relations in the fuel and energy sector, in the fields of transport and communications.

 “Cooperation between our countries is successfully developing and strengthening on a mutually beneficial basis, both in a bilateral format and within international organizations,” said Serdar Berdimuhamedov, thanking in this regard the Turkish side for supporting international initiatives and proposals of Turkmenistan, in particular within the UN.

 Continuing the meeting, the prospects for increasing cooperation were discussed, where mutual visits of government delegations, as well as regular consultations and meetings between the foreign ministries of the two countries, are a significant factor.

 During the meeting, the guest conveyed greetings from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the President, as well as the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, noting that Turkey attaches great importance to friendly dialogue with brotherly Turkmenistan.

 Serdar Berdimuhamedov, having conveyed his best wishes to the President of the Republic of Turkey, expressed confidence that the negotiations and meetings planned during the current visit of the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry to Ashgabat will give new impetus to further bilateral interaction.

The head of Turkmenistan also congratulated the minister and the fraternal Turkish people on the upcoming anniversary – the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Turkish Republic.

 Fidan emphasized that Turkey is particularly interested in expanding bilateral interstate relations built on the principles of respect and mutual benefit.

 As Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, the Republic of Turkey is a friendly and fraternal state for Turkmenistan, and bilateral relations are of a strategic nature.

 “Centuries-old Turkmen-Turkish ties have a wealth of experience, which is confirmed by the high level of interaction in the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres,” Berdimuhamedov continued.

 Also on Wednesday, Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov discussed with Hakan Fidan the development of Turkmen-Turkish partnership in the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres and in other areas of mutual interest.

 As a result of the meeting, a Cooperation Program between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and Turkey for 2024–2025 was signed.

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