In January-June, GDP growth in Turkmenistan amounted to 6.1%

20:57 14.07.2021 5134

 For the first half of 2021, Turkmenistan's GDP grew by 6.1% compared to the same period last year.  This was announced by Vice-Chairman Gadyrgeldy Mushshikov at an enlarged meeting of the government last Friday, at which the results of the country's socio-economic development in January-June of this year were discussed.

 The investment program for 2021 for the period under review was completed by 28%, production in general increased by 5.2%.  The volume of retail trade turnover in January-June in comparison with the corresponding period of 2020 increased by 17.5%, and the volume of foreign trade turnover increased by 3.5%.  The size of the average monthly wages for large and medium-sized enterprises in comparison with the same period last year increased by 10.5%.

 During the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the priority aspects of state policy, and also identified key tasks for the near future.

 - The coronavirus pandemic continues to have a negative impact on domestic economic activity, - the head of Turkmenistan said, having emphasized that statistics still confirmed the effectiveness of the measures taken by the government to counter trends in the global economy.

 According to the President, a reliable fiscal and monetary policy is being maintained in the country, and investments in the private and public sectors are increasing.  Currently, about 2.5 thousand large industrial and social facilities are being built with a total value of over $ 37 billion.

 - Harvested 1 million 400 thousand tons of grain, which ensured the food security of the country, - the President continued.

 - According to the outlined plans, the policy of diversification of energy supplies to world markets continues.  The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project and other regional projects are being successfully implemented, -  Berdimuhamedov said.

 The President also noted the fact of timely settlement with China for the received loan funds for the construction of the Turkmenistan-China gas «artery» and receiving profit from the sale of natural gas at the present time.

 Having focused on promising tasks, the head of Turkmenistan named the maintenance of economic and financial stability in the country, an increase in the level of employment of the population, and an increase in foreign direct investment among the urgent ones.

- At present, these issues, together with the tasks of increasing the export potential and ensuring the flow of foreign exchange funds, the large-scale introduction of digital technologies in all economic segments, remain priority areas, - the President said.

 The head of the state made a special emphasis on the importance of intensifying the process of reducing the state's share in the national economy and expanding the share of the private sector in it.

 - The list of objects to be privatized should include individual state-owned enterprises in the energy, transport and communication industries, infrastructure and numerous other objects, - Berdimuhamedov emphasized, having identified the sale of shares, the organization of the stock market and open auctions as the main instruments of this process.

 Having summed up, the President stated that the indicators of the past six months are generally satisfactory.

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