In January-August, Turkmenistan significantly increased production and export of «blue fuel»

01:44 14.09.2021 4094

 Last Friday, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via digital video communication system. There the work for January-August of this year in all sectors of the economy, including the oil and gas complex of our country was summed up.

 Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh.Abdrakhmanov reported on the results of the work of the supervised industries for eight months of the year.

 It was reported about the technical and economic indicators achieved in the production of oil, natural gas and gas condensate, as well as oil refining.  In particular, it was noted that the plan for the production of natural and associated gas was fulfilled by 122.1 percent, the export of «blue fuel» - by 133.6 percent, for the production of gasoline – by 107.5 percent, polypropylene – by 109.7 percent.  Investment development – by 102.1 percent.

 After hearing the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed specific instructions to the Vice-Chairman on further streamlining the activities of the sectoral departments of the country's oil and gas complex.  Speaking about the tasks in this area, the leader of the nation pointed out the need to increase the volume of oil production, to fully utilize the capacities of oil refineries, to increase the production of liquefied gas and other products.

 The head of state ordered to hold a meeting with the participation of representatives of industry science and, together with scientists, discuss the above issues, analyze the presence of promising fields with large oil reserves, as well as the activities of the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» and the State Concern «Turkmennebit» to fulfill the established tasks.

 Noting that state support is being provided for the modernization of oil refineries, the leader of the nation instructed to carefully study the issues related to their full load.

 The need to intensify efforts to attract investment in the oil and gas complex was emphasized.

 The President instructed the Vice-Chairman to analyze the state of affairs in the branches under his supervision and take all measures to stabilize their activities.

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