Anniversary Exhibition of Achievements of Turkmenistan to be held in Ashgabat

23:59 17.09.2021 4424

Exhibition of the achievements of Turkmenistan will be held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the independence of our country.  Vice-Chairman Chary Gylydzhov reported on the preparation of a large-scale review at a government meeting on Thursday.

 The jubilee exhibition will open in the capital's expo center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.  Here, the achievements of our country in all spheres of the economy will be demonstrated, domestic products of the public and private sectors will be presented, which are in demand both in the domestic and foreign markets.

 Within the framework of the forum, presentations of new products, investment projects, promising programs for the development of large enterprises in various sectors of the economy and members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country are envisaged.

 Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that fundamental transformations have taken place in all areas of the national economic complex, large-scale work has been carried out, and great success has been achieved.  Today, Turkmenistan has gained wide world fame as a rapidly developing state based on high technologies and innovations, where ambitious projects and constructive undertakings are successfully implemented, the leader of the nation noted.

 Exhibitions are a good opportunity to demonstrate the success achieved, an effective advertising campaign, a way to find new partners, conclude new contracts, assess market trends, and determine your position on it.  Therefore, it is necessary to attract innovative technologies and know-how as actively as possible, the head of state said.

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