TCOR showed new products at the exhibition in honor of the 30th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan

21:47 24.09.2021 4549

 The exhibition of the achievements of Turkmenistan, timed to coincide with the holiday of the 30th anniversary of the country's independence, was successfully held in the capital's Expocentre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on September 21-22.

 Among the permanent participants of such reviews was the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries (TCOR), which once again demonstrated its achievements in building the potential of the country's oil and gas sector.

 This year, TCOR started production of a new type of aviation fuel – Jet A-1, the European analogue of TS-1 aviation kerosene, which is also produced at TCOR.  This fuel is used in the gas turbine engines of passenger airliners such as Airbus and Boeing.

 The production of aviation fuel for An-2 aircraft, which is widely used in agriculture for processing fields, is also launched.  The high-octane component produced at the plant for the production of a high-octane additive for automobile fuel from gas has already passed laboratory tests and the corresponding certifications.  Previously, this type of fuel had to be purchased abroad.

 The TCOR also launched a new packaging product – white pearlescent polypropylene film.  This film is used for wrapping confectionery and gifts.  This product is planned to be sold both in the domestic market and exported abroad.

 These novelties, along with the products of TCOR, already well-known to consumers, were presented at the company's stand at the anniversary exhibition.

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