The Presidents of Turkmenistan and Turkey confirmed their readiness to strengthen interstate partnership

15:29 16.11.2021 4553

 During a meeting in Istanbul, the presidents of Turkmenistan and Turkey Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the state and prospects of cooperation in the context of impressive potential and plans for the future, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

 The meeting of the leaders of the two countries took place within the framework of participation in the VIII Summit of Heads of State of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States (Turkic Council), held on Friday in Istanbul.

 During the meeting, the leaders of Turkmenistan and Turkey reaffirmed the commitment of the parties to further strengthen productive interaction.

 The interlocutors noted the high level of interstate relations, which have the character of a strategic partnership, in the asset of which joint projects implemented over the past years and ongoing in various fields.  Among the priority areas of cooperation are the trade and economic sphere, energy, the industrial sector, transport and communications, the construction industry and a number of other industries.

 During the meeting, the heads of Turkmenistan and Turkey also exchanged views on topical issues of regional and global issues, emphasizing the intention of the parties to continue constructive partnership within the framework of authoritative international organizations.

 The interlocutors expressed confidence that the decision to join Turkmenistan to the Turkic Council in observer status will contribute to the further development of interstate cooperation in a wide range of areas.

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