The new product of the TCOR will become a significant contribution to the environmental well-being of the country

19:53 09.02.2022 9196

 The Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries is taking comprehensive measures to prepare for the industrial production of a new type of A-98 motor gasoline.

The news that the company has mastered the production of this type of gasoline, which fully meets the quality requirements of EURO-6 standards and is the most environmentally friendly, was announced at the first meeting of the government of Turkmenistan in 2022, held under the motto «Epoch of people with Arkadag».

 This type of gasoline is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and efficiency and is used in most modern cars produced in the developed countries of the world.

 In order to bring the quality indicators in line with the environmental requirements of EURO-6, the plant made changes to the production process and established a thorough control over the quality indicators of the produced gasoline components.  Special laboratory tests were carried out and the composition of the new product was determined.

 For the production of environmentally friendly, unleaded motor gasoline A-98, the necessary components were extracted by processing specially selected raw materials, and 14.36 tons of new gasoline were produced.

 At present, the Main State Service «Turkmenstandartlary» is working on entering A-98 motor gasoline as a new type of petroleum product into the state register and issuing a certificate of conformity.

 To assess compliance with the highest international quality standards, preliminary tests were carried out in the laboratory of the factory complex, as a result of which the compliance of the new product with K5 environmental requirements and EURO-6 standards was established.  Then the fuel sample was sent to the Akhal plant for the production of gasoline from natural gas of the State Concern «Turkmenhimiya» for further testing, during which the compliance of the new brand of gasoline with the above requirements was confirmed.

 Also, as a result of research conducted in the international laboratory of the Saybolt company (Kingdom of the Netherlands), certificates of compliance of these products with K5 environmental requirements and EURO-6 standards were obtained.

 EURO-6 is an environmental standard that strictly regulates the content of harmful substances in exhaust gases.  According to its requirements, in the environmental class K5, the sulfur content in 1 kg of fuel should not exceed 10 milligrams, and the presence of harmful monomethylaniline is strictly prohibited.

 Expansion of the range and increase in the volume of produced oil products is one of the main tasks set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the petrochemists of our country.  The production of environmentally friendly petroleum products is the result of the introduction of new technologies and advanced world experience thanks to the effective support of the leader of the nation.

 Along with the new A-98 motor gasoline, the TCOR launched the production of a new brand of aviation fuel – Jet A-1, which is used in gas turbine engines of civil aviation aircraft in Europe, the USA and Canada, including Airbus and Boeing airliners.

 In addition, in addition to the already produced packaging films with a thickness of 20, 25 and 30 micrometers, the production of white mother-of-pearl polypropylene films with a thickness of 35 and 45 micrometers, used in candy and gift wrapping, has also been launched.  And in September 2021, the production of aviation gasoline for AN-2 light single-engine aircraft, previously supplied from abroad, began.

 Increasing the volume of production of high-quality products that are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets is of great importance in strengthening the national economy and ensuring the environmental well-being of our country.

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